APS Reunion 2006.
Friday 6th October & Saturday 7th October.
Limpley Stoke Hotel, near Bath

In 2006, our APS Annual Reunion was held during the weekend of Friday 6th / Saturday 7th October in the Limpley Stoke Hotel, near Bath.
30 people arrived on the Friday and spent the evening sharing their news and photos in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere – despite the wedding reception also being hosted by the hotel! On Saturday, another 15 past students arrived to join us for the day.
Two groups celebrated special Anniversary Reunions: three past students who started at College in 1946 and ten past students who left College in 1961. For some of them it was the first time they had been to a Reunion since their College days.
On Saturday, everyone seemed to enjoy what was a very full and active day, and 28 stayed on to complete the Reunion with a special meal in the Hotel in the evening.
We hope that many of them will wish to join us again at the Reunion in Market Bosworth in October 2007.
We have a gallery of photographs taken at the Reunion here and a few comments from people who were there.
Margaret (1955) wrote to say how much she had enjoyed the gathering and the trip down ‘memory lane’! She was amazed how much she had forgotten! It was her first reunion in 50 years.
Julie (1961) said that 45 years seemed to have flashed by and it was wonderful to meet up with everyone at the Reunion in Bath. No one had changed much and it wasn’t as daunting as she’d thought it might be. She hopes to see more of the 1961 year next time.
Snippets from an article written by Barbara (1961) for the 2006 Journal: ‘… Friday evening was a good ‘catch-up’ session for those of us who arrived the day before. … On a sunny Saturday morning, those coming for the day joined the ‘overnighters’ in a dedicated conference room where coffee was served. We then played games! Really we did and had such fun. Skilful mixing of members meant we got chatting to people from all years. Memories spilled out from around the circle: backwards walking down stairs; interview suits inspection by Miss Crabbe; useful downstairs windows in Holmefield and rationing during the war. More chatting, photographs of our year and we all agreed that we had worn reasonably well! … For me, the most stunning moment was when I came face to face with my ex-PE teacher from Rhyl Grammar School. She too was at her first Reunion since leaving College and she recognised my maiden name. … Our Reunion ‘45 years on’ proved to be a great weekend – superb weather, with well-dressed people, us and the wedding guests both! … Thanks once again to our stalwart Committee for the organisation of it all …’
Janet (1963) says in her news: ‘We managed to muster 7 of our year – and a good time was had by all. Next year it is to be in the Midlands, so do try and be there.’
Linda (1967) says in her news: ‘The reunion in Bath was smashing and enjoyed by all … we really need a big turnout for our 40th in 2007 so do try to contact everyone.’
Members of the Committee were delighted that everyone seemed to have an enjoyable day and they hope that members will join us next year in Warwick. If you would like to become a member of the Association you can apply through the ‘How to Join’ section of the website.
You can view photographs of the reunion by clicking on the ‘Gallery’.