APS Reunion 2004.
Friday 1st & Saturday 2nd October.
Thistle Hotel, Pier Head.

In 2004 we returned to Liverpool for the APS Annual Reunion during the weekend of Friday 1st / Saturday 2nd October, meeting in the Thistle Hotel, Pier Head.
54 people came on the Friday and despite some difficulties negotiating the roads around the hotel enjoyed the evening catching up on all the news with their friends.
On Saturday, another 26 past students arrived at the hotel to join us for the day.
Six groups celebrated special Anniversary Reunions: three past students who left College in 1954, nine past students who left in 1959, twenty-five who left in 1964, four who left in 1969, eleven who left in 1979 and four who left in 1989. The 1964 Set did particularly well with the biggest Set group at a Reunion for many years.
On Saturday we occupied ourselves with meeting up with old friends and getting to know everyone else. We had a good discussion at the AGM in the afternoon and an entertaining slide show and quiz. With little time to spare we then hurried to board the coaches for a scenic journey to College, where we heard about some of the new developments and plans for the future. There was time for us to wander round the Campus before returning to the coaches and travelling back to the hotel.
32 (including three husbands) stayed on to a special meal in a restaurant just across the road from the hotel to complete the Reunion weekend.
We have included some photographs taken at the Reunion, which can be viewed here, and a few comments from people who were there.
Our President, Barbara (1975), wrote: ‘Another highlight of the year was the return to Liverpool for our annual reunion. It was a great success and I am sure all had a good time. Certainly the ‘Oh look at that’ and ‘That’s new’ and ‘Do you remember that?’ seemed to turn back the clock for many as we travelled out of the city centre and on to Aigburth, a pleasant trip down memory lane.’
Annice (1964) wrote: ‘I really, really enjoyed our 40th Reunion – it was good to see everyone looking so vibrant and clearly enjoying life. Many thanks to all those involved in organising it.’
Ann (1964) wrote: ‘It was wonderful to meet up with so many of our year in Liverpool in October. Initially many people wondered if they would recognise each other but, as the screams of delight demonstrated that they did, the intervening 40 years simply melted away. I was filled with admiration not only for the professional successes of so many, but also for the way some people had coped with the tragedies and adversities that had come their way. Miss Crabbe would have been so proud!!!’
Gillian (1979) wrote: ‘It was hard to believe we had not seen some people for 25 years. We were soon gossiping away and it was tremendous to see each other. … It was such a lovely weekend; everyone enjoyed themselves so much we vowed we would not wait so long before we all got together again. You MUST join us next time – probably 2009. … Please keep in touch.’
Paula (1989) wrote: ‘I thoroughly enjoyed the reunion in Liverpool this year. It was interesting to meet some of the former students from many years ago and listen to their tales from College. What was noticeable was the huge bond that forms around I M Marshers, regardless of age. It was so easy to strike up a conversation with others and feel that you had known each other for an eternity.’
Members of the Committee were delighted that everyone seemed to have an enjoyable day and they hope that members will join us next year in Warwick. If you would like to become a member of the Association you can apply through the ‘How to Join’ section of the website.
You can view photographs of the reunion by clicking on the ‘Gallery’.